Service Mission and Goal

We truly believe that family structure is the significant foundation of our society. It provides secured support of both substantial and emotional needs for the next generation.

We aim at exploring and nurturing the potential of families, facilitating the communication and concern among family members, as well as enhancing their collaborative ability of problem-solving. With the provision of multi-purpose social services, we strengthen the functions of family and ensure families are benefited from such nourishment so as to create a living environment full of health, happiness, and vitality.

Service Target

Residents including families and their members within the boundary of Wanchai district.

Types of Service

Counseling Services for:

– Parenting difficulties
– Pre-marital / marital problems
– Family relationship difficulties
– Interpersonal relationship difficulties
– Individual emotional and behavioral problems

Referral Service for:

– Residential service
– Rehabilitation service
– Psychological counseling service
– Family aide service

Support Services / Community Resources for:

– New-arrival individual or family
– Single-parent family
– Ethnic minority
– Family-life education
– Parent-child relationship building
– Introduction to community resources
– Volunteer work

Application and Withdrawal of Service

1. Inquiries and applications can be made at our center or by telephone. Application and assessment procedures may vary according to different needs and service nature.

2. Upon the request of service users, withdrawal of service may be arranged through the social worker in charge of the service.

The arrangement of the program in process and center’s opening hour under severe weather (Click here


Programme Newsletter July – September 2024 (Download

Service Leaflet (Download)

Program and Membership Application 

Membership Application Form  (Download

Programme Enrollment Form  (Download


Service Quality Standards (SQS)

To ensure the provision of quality social welfare services to the public, and to increase the accountability of delivering welfare services, SWD and subvented NGOs have jointly introduced a Service Performance Monitoring System (SPMS) that was implemented by phases over a period of three years with effect from 1999-2000. Under the SPMS, performance of service units receiving LSG and other welfare subvention is assessed based on the Funding and Service Agreements (FSAs) drawn up for each of the subvented services and evaluated against a set of well-defined Service Quality Standards (SQSs).


Service Quality Standards (SQSs) define the level of which, in terms of management and service provision, service units are expected to attain.  The SQSs are developed according to four principles which set out the core values of welfare services.  These four principles are:

–     to clearly define the purpose and objectives of the service and make its mode of delivery transparent to the public;

–     to manage resources effectively with flexibility, innovation and continuous quality improvement;

–     to identify and respond to specific service users’ needs; and

–     to respect the rights of service users.


There are 16 SQSs, each of which is elaborated by a set of Criteria and Assessment Indicators.  They are generic descriptions of the basic requirements so as to enable service operators to have appropriate methods tailor-made for a certain service type or a particular service unit in meeting the SQS requirements.

SQS 01 The service unit ensures that a clear description of its purpose, objectives, and mode of service delivery is publicly available.
SQS 02 The service unit should review and update the documented policies and procedures describing how it will approach key service delivery issues.
SQS 03 The service unit maintains accurate and current records of service operations and activities.
SQS 04 The roles and responsibilities of all staff, managers, the Management Committee and/or the Board or other decision-making bodies should be clearly defined.
SQS 05 The service unit/agency implements effective staff recruitment, contracting, development, training, assessment, deployment, and disciplinary practices.
SQS 06 The service unit regularly plans, reviews and evaluates its own performance, and has an effective mechanism by which service users, staff, and other interested parties can provide feedback on its performance.
SQS 07 The service unit implements policies and procedures to ensure effective financial management.
SQS 08 The service unit complies with all relevant legal obligations.
SQS 09 The service unit takes all reasonable steps to ensure that it provides a safe physical environment for its staff and service users.
SQS 10 The service unit ensures that service users have clear and accurate information about how to enter and leave the service.
SQS 11 The service unit has a planned approach to assessing and meeting service users’ needs (whether the service user is an individual, family, group or community).
SQS 12 The service unit respects the service users’ right to make informed choices of the service they receive as far as practicable.
SQS 13 The service unit respects the service users’ rights in relation to private property.
SQS 14 The service unit respects the service users’ rights to privacy and confidentiality.
SQS 15 Each service user and staff member is free to raise and have addressed, without fear of retribution, any complaints he or she may have regarding the agency or the service unit.
SQS 16 The service unit takes all reasonable steps to ensure that service users are free from abuse.

Free Legal Advice for South Asians

Free Legal Advice for South Asians Enrollment Form  (Download)


Opening Hours

Monday, Wednesday and Thursday  (9:00am – 12:30pm , 1:30pm – 5:00pm)

Tuesday and Friday  (9:00am – 12:30pm , 1:30pm – 8:00pm)

Saturday  (9:00am – 1:00pm)

Sundays and Public Holidays  (Closed)

Contact us

Address: 12/F, 85 Stone Nullah Lane, Wanchai, Hong Kong. (Click here for direction)

Telephone number: 2835 4342

Feedback and Suggestions

In addition to collecting your feedback through regular surveys and phone interviews, we welcome the following methods of communication:

  1. Use the suggestion box located at our centre lobby.
  2. Express to our staff directly.
  3. Call 28354342 or send a letter (Address: 12/F, 85 Stone Nullah Lane, Wan Chai, Hong Kong) to the Senior Supervisor.
  4. Email ([email protected]) to the St. James’ Settlement Wan Chai Integrated Family Service Centre.

Our staff will contact you within 3 working days and we commit to providing a response within 15 working days.